Shaping the propagating of light with photonic crystal slab
主讲人: 肖孟(武汉大学)
地点: 腾讯会议 ID:834 585 809
时间: 2021年11月10日 (星期三) 15:10-18:00
主持 联系人: 胡小永 (Tel: 62768705)
主讲人简介: 肖孟教授2010年从武汉大学本科毕业,并于2014年获得香港科技大学物理博士学位,师从陈子亭(C. T. Chan)教授。此后先后在香港科技大学物理系陈子亭教授、斯坦福大学Edward L. Ginzton实验室范汕洄(Shanhui Fan)教授课题组从事博士后研究,2018年10月回武汉大学任教。长期从事拓扑光学、光子晶体平板等方面的研究,并取得了一系列具有一定影响力的研究成果。以第一作者或通讯作者发表Nat. Rev. Phys.一篇, Nat. Phys. 两篇, PRX两篇,PRL六篇,Nat. Commum. 和Sci. Adv.各一篇。发表文章中11篇论文曾入选高被引论文,年引用过千。

Photonic crystal slabs are two dimensional periodic dielectric structures that exhibit band gaps for in-plane propagation while confine light in the third dimension. Inside the light cone, the modes guided in the photonic crystal slabs will interact with the modes of free space and become guided resonance modes. In this talk I will introduce some interesting functionalities of such guided resonance modes. I will show that, by carefully engineering the dispersion of the guided resonance modes, we are able to generate space-time light bullet, perform image differentiation, and realize topological protected polarization manipulating. Meanwhile, as quasi-eigenstates, the resonance modes can also exhibitmeronspin texture and merging BIC at an arbitrary position in the reciprocal space.

Refs. [1] C.Guo, M. Xiao, M.Minkov, Y. Shi & S. Fan,Optica5 251 (2018); [2] C.Guo, M. Xiao, et. al., Light 10 160 (2021); [3] Y.Guo, M. Xiao & S. Fan, PRL 119, 167401 (2017); [4] C.Guo, M. Xiao, Y.Guo, L. Yuan & S. Fan, PRL 124, 106103 (2020); [5] M. Kang, S. Zhang, M. Xiao, H. Xu, PRL 126, 117402 (2021).